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Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small file downloaded on to a hard drive when the user accesses certain websites. Cookies are then sent back to originating website on each subsequent visit. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognise a user’s device and provide a better use experience when you browse. Cookie can't read data off your computer or damage your system.

Our website also makes use of third party cookies such as Facebook, Twitter, StreamGo and Google. These third party services may also save cookies on your computer whilst you use our website. We have no control over these cookies and you should seek advice from services if you wish to understand more about how they use cookies.

You can change settings of your browser and either refuse all cookies or choose to be alerted when a cookie is being sent to your computer. If you decide to refuse cookies, some parts of our website may not function. To find out more about cookies and how to remove them from your computer, visit

Below lists the cookies and briefly explains their purpose. This list covers a number of our websites and therefore each individual website may not use all of the cookies listed here:

Cookie Name Brief Description
_unam,_utma,_utmb,_utmc,_utmz Google Analytics
CEG_trk_src This indicates visitors that have arrived at the website via Google advertisements. Cookie will be deleted after 30 days.
PHPSESSID PHP session cookie - deleted when you end your visitor session.
navitem Used to track which navigation section is being viewed.
site Stores a value that we use to identify the website in order to display the correct navigation menus.
coursefinder_lastSearch Used by the course finder tool to keep track of the last search query.
SDSAfooterstate Used by the Southampton Data Science Academy site to store user preference to show/hide footer.
_stid,_uset Cookie set by the sharing widgets.